Friday, February 11, 2011

The new Skurka?

Who cares? I advise you all to check out this link. This guy, Samuel Gardner is already started on what is a monumental task. I read the pages at his site and it all adds up to... INSPIRING! I'll be keeping an eye on it all year now. Here's the visual for his plan:

And here's the link to his site:



    link to a film of photos taken of the entire App Trail. And that's the shortest of the four above!!!

  2. The sad thing is that he left the trail after 60+ days of snowshoeing. Injured hip. His blog says he may have up to 6 months of rehab before he can get back on the trail. Some problem with his walking mechanics that flared up due to the snowshoeing. I applaud him for trying. I hope he can get his mojo back soon.
